©South Church of the Nazarenen 2022
Your’re invited to join with us as we celebrate the marriage of Haylee Richardson to Titus Paulson. They will be united in marriage May 18th at 4:30 pm, at Southside Church of the Nazarene. Reception to follow at the church. RSVP by text to (701) 240-2966
More upcoming Events

Celebrate Mother’s Day with us May

12th, at 10:45. That day we will

honor our moms. Peggy Richardson

from MN will be our quest speaker.

This will be a very special day so

make sure to attend, and if you can,

bring your Mom.

©South Church of the Nazarenen 2022
Southside Church Of The Nazarene
Your’re invited to join with us as we celebrate the marriage of Haylee Richardson to Titus Paulson. They will be united in marriage May 18th at 4:30 pm, at Southside Church of the Nazarene. Reception to follow at the church. RSVP by text to (701) 240-2966
More upcoming Events

Celebrate Mother’s Day with us

May 12th, at 10:45. That day we

will honor our moms. Peggy

Richardson from MN will be our

quest speaker. This will be a very

special day so make sure to

attend, and if you can, bring your
